PROMASEAL® Bulkhead Sealer System is made from high density mineral wool. The mineral wool is coated with PROMASEAL® Bulkhead Sealer, which will remain in place during a fire and form a barrier against fire. It can be used in wall and floor applications and has been tested up 2 hours to AS 1530: Part 4 and BS 476: Part 20 with various services penetrating the compartment wall.
Systems shall comprise of two layers of 50mm thick, 144 kg/m3 density Mineral wool panels and shall be tightly sealed, and both faces of the fire rated panel seal and a length of 200mm of penetration shall be finish coated with 2 coats of Fire rated PROMASEAL® Bulkhead Coating. Where the opening is more than 400mm wide and 600mm in length, M.S. flats require to install to hold the Mineral Wool Panel in place and Promaseal Bulkhead Coating is require to apply even on the M.S. flats from both the side. All the installation shall be done in accordance with the manufacturers instructions to meet the integrity & insulation performance criteria in acc with BS 476Part 20. The system will have to be supported by a valid International Test report of the complete system as per BS 476 part 20 issued by M/s. Promat International Asia Pacific Ltd.
PROMASTOP® cement is a fire resistant, light weight cement supplied as a pre-mixed dry powder for mixing on site with water. The system will look white in colour for ease of identification and provides up to 4 hour fire rating in masonary or concrete block walls and concrete floors when installed. INSULATION on the penetrating services will vary depending upon the services that penetrate the barrier. PROMASTOP® Cement is fire tested to BS 476:Part 20 and AS 1530: Part 4, with reference to prEN 1366: Part 3: 1999..
All the Shaft and services openings in fire rated walls & floors are to be properly fire stopped with 2 hrs fire rated Insulation & integrity with POMASTOP® Cement 30 mm thick. The system would involve providing and fixing of POMASTOP® Cement with 50mm thick Mineral Wool of 100 Kg density to achieve the required Insulation. Where the opening is more than 400mm wide and 600mm in length, M.S. flats require to install to hold the Mineral Wool Panel in place. Service Penetrations through walls and floors to be sealed with POMASTOP® Cement as tested to BS: 476 Part 20 & AS 1530 part 4 to maintain the required fire rating of 2hrs of the building element. Installation shall be done in accordance with the tested specification. Supply & Installation of System will done by authorized Dealer & Installer M/s.Ardor Fire & Safety Systems – Mumbai. The system will be supported by a valid International Test report of the complete system as per BS 476 part 20 issued by M/s.Promat International Asia Pacific Ltd.